Helping you navigate the ins and outs, ups and downs, and twists and turns of breast cancer with support, information, tools, humor, and acceptance for you and your unique life story.

About Me

Hi, I'm Dr. Julie Schnur, and I'm a licensed clinical psychologist who specializes in breast cancer. I’m passionate about helping women with breast cancer because I’ve seen and heard time and time again how distressing, exhausting, shocking, and consuming the disease can be. Yet I’ve also seen firsthand how beneficial it can be for women to have a trusted professional by their side as they work to adapt, accept, endure, and even thrive while living with breast cancer.

For me, being a psychologist, and a psycho-oncologist in particular, is a true vocation. I genuinely enjoy getting to know my clients, from the “dark thoughts” they hesitate to tell others, to their pets’ names, to what they’re binge watching, to their big, small, and everyday-sized triumphs and successes. I am enthusiastic about working collaboratively and creatively with my clients to develop treatment strategies that are meaningful and personalized for them. I’m honored to be trusted with clients’ innermost thoughts, feelings, hopes, and dreams. And I can’t say strongly enough how impressed I am by each client’s inner creativity and motivation to heal and move forward. Much of my work involves being a teacher and a guide, but I have to admit that all of the best interventions I’ve ever seen have come from clients themselves. Being a psychologist is more than what I do, it's who I am. For as long as I remember, I've been the one people confide in when they need support, when they want insight, when they need to know they can be honest and not be judged, and when they need to feel safe. It's genuinely my privilege and my pleasure to be of service.

What Makes My Practice Unique?

Breast cancer can affect so many aspects of women's lives – body image concerns, relationships, sexual function, mood, physical functioning, fear of recurrence – yet few medical providers are comfortable or trained to talk about the psychological aspects of the disease.  And few psychologists are familiar with the medical and clinical aspects of the disease. I believe that my education and experience allow me to bridge this gap. My expertise will allow you to speak easily about your experience right from the start, without having to explain or translate medical aspects of your care.

Why I Specialize in Breast Cancer

Many clients wonder, why breast cancer? Well, my interest in cancer began as an undergraduate at the University of Pennsylvania, when I did a senior project at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. My task there was to transcribe audio-recordings of interviews with childhood survivors of cancer and their parents with regard to post-traumatic stress experiences. As I listened, I was struck by the fact that even though each family had (on paper) faced the same disease, they differed tremendously in how they reacted to the experience. They reported different triggers, different levels of distress, and different ways of framing the experience. Listening to their narratives opened my eyes to the idea that how we think about events can make even extraordinarily difficult events more or less tolerable, and that there is an infinite variety in how we react to and conceptualize disease. Realizing that there are so many different ways to frame or think about cancer inspired me to realize that psychotherapy, which uses the power of the mind to shape our experiences, could help individuals feel less frightened and overwhelmed by a cancer diagnosis.

My interest in breast cancer specifically began with the work I did at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, in the Integrative Behavioral Medicine Program within the Center for Behavioral Oncology. My work there included conducting hypnosis sessions with women before breast surgery, conducting cognitive-behavioral therapy plus hypnosis sessions with women undergoing breast cancer radiotherapy, conducting hypnosis to manage musculoskeletal pain in women taking aromatase inhibitors, and leading empathic listening sessions where I was able to learn from women about their breast cancer experiences in their own words. My current work also involves conducting psychotherapy with women at all stages of the breast cancer continuum. These have been the most rewarding professional experiences of my life. So much of traditional psychotherapy focuses on stressful or traumatic events that happened long in the past. But breast cancer-focused psychotherapy allows me to help you in the here-and-now, and to be present and by your side as we work together to shape your experiences of diagnosis, treatment, and beyond.

 Professional Information



University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA

            Bachelor of Arts degree, Major – Psychology

St. John’s University, Jamaica, NY

Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology

Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY

Postdoctoral fellowship in behavioral oncology


2004:   New York State License in Psychology:  # 016083

2021:   New Jersey State License in Psychology:  #35SI00654400


2006:  NPI # 1669532487

Get Started

If you’re interested in learning more, please click the “Contact me” button below to request a free 15-minute consultation. Please note, all services are conducted virtually (teletherapy) at this time.