Julie B. Schnur, PH.D.

Psychologist PLLC


Helping you navigate the ins and outs, ups and downs, and twists and turns of breast cancer with support, information, tools, humor, and acceptance for you and your unique life story.

What type of clients typically seek your services?

Each client seeks psychotherapy for their own reasons, based on their own unique experiences and stressors. I see everyone from previvors, to “patients,” to survivors, to metavivors. I see clients who in distress, clients who are coping well but could use some problem-solving or support, and clients who want to focus on wellness and self-care. Most of my clients are high-functioning, psychologically-minded, motivated women who would generally describe themselves as “ok” (I know…who’s really ok?), but who are struggling to find their way back to “ok” since breast cancer struck.

 Common Client Concerns

Some of the most common reasons clients seek psychotherapy with me are…

  • Experiencing emotional distress

    You've been diagnosed with breast cancer and - to put it mildly - your diagnosis may have thrown you for a loop. You may be feeling angry, fearful, saddened, lost, or as though you’re walking around in a body you no longer recognize.

  • Feeling overwhelmed

    It may be that everything feels “too much” right now - too many decisions, too many physical changes, too many lifestyle disruptions, too many healthcare appointments and responsibilities, and too much to juggle.

  • Feeling unsupported or misunderstood

    Despite well-meaning support, you may find yourself feeling alone or misunderstood, and as though the support you’re receiving isn’t quite the support you need (e.g., too optimistic, opinionated, or dismissive).

  • Wanting emotional health “check-ins”

    Perhaps you’ve been coping well with cancer, but would still like to talk to a psychologist for periodic mental health “check-ins” to make sure you’re staying attuned to your emotional well-being and stress management goals.

  • Coping with genetic testing results

    Perhaps you’ve just received genetic testing results (e.g., you’ve learned that you’re BRCA positive), and you’re struggling with making decisions about cancer risk management, communicating with family, or processing what the results mean for your future.

  • Adjusting to survivorship

    You may find yourself struggling as you move beyond active treatment into “survivorship.” You may find yourself struggling with adjuvant therapy side-effects, with the pressures of resuming work or other responsibilities, with fear of recurrence, or with the feeling that others in your life seem to expect you to be “your old self” or “back to normal.”

  • Coping with metastatic disease

    Perhaps you’ve been diagnosed with metastatic disease, and are looking for a safe space to say anything and everything on your mind without having to worry about your listener. You might want to discuss issues like medical decision making, quality of life, and communication with your loved ones and providers.

  • Enhancing self-care/wellness

    You may find that cancer has inspired a new or renewed focus on self-care, wellness, or “following your bliss,” and you might appreciate input as you rethink your career, seek out new relationships or new sources of support, set new boundaries, and explore new hobbies, passions, or interests.

Goals we can work on together are:

  • Increasing your stress management skills

  • Reducing feelings of sadness or anxiety

  • Managing fear of recurrence

  • Adjusting to physical changes

  • Enhancing positive health behaviors

  • Identifying and expressing your emotions

  • Managing cancer-related symptoms and side effects

  • Increasing your sense of control and self-confidence

  • Accessing the social support you need

  • Identifying aspects of your life that can be changed to reduce stress and enhance well-being

  • Learning more helpful (but realistic) ways of thinking about stressors to help you feel and function better

  • Taking your time to identifying your life priorities

  • Enhancing your ability to assert yourself

  • Communicating more effectively with friends, family, and members of your treatment team

  • Recognizing what brings you joy, and working to make space for that joy in your everyday life


Whatever your goals are, we’ll work together to develop a personalized psychotherapeutic plan that suits you.


I look forward to the opportunity to co-create your plan with you.

Getting Started 

If you’re interested in learning more, please click the “Contact me” button below to request a free 15-minute consultation. Please note, all services are conducted virtually (teletherapy) at this time.